T-SQL Tutorial

Concatenate in SQL Server

In SQL Server, concatenation refers to the process of combining two or more string values together into a single string value. This is often used to create more readable and informative output or to generate dynamic SQL queries.

There are several ways to concatenate string values in SQL Server, including using the + operator, the CONCAT function, or the CONCAT_WS function.

1. Using the + operator

The simplest way to concatenate string values in SQL Server is to use the + operator. This operator can be used to join two or more strings together. For example:

SELECT 'Hello ' + 'World' AS Greeting;

This will output "Hello World" as the value of the Greeting column.

2. Using the CONCAT function

The CONCAT function can be used to concatenate two or more string values together in SQL Server. This function accepts any number of arguments and returns the concatenated result. For example:

SELECT CONCAT('John', ' ', 'Doe') AS FullName;

This will output "John Doe" as the value of the FullName column.

3. Using the CONCAT_WS function

The CONCAT_WS function is similar to the CONCAT function, but it allows you to specify a separator string between the concatenated values. The separator is added between each value in the list except the first value. For example:

SELECT CONCAT_WS(', ', 'John', 'Doe', '42') AS Details;

This will output "John, Doe, 42" as the value of the Details column.

In conclusion, concatenation is an important operation in SQL Server, and there are several ways to concatenate strings, depending on your requirements. By using the + operator, CONCAT function, or CONCAT_WS function, you can combine strings in a variety of ways and produce the output you need.