T-SQL Tutorial


The TEXT data type in SQL Server is used to store large amounts of text data. It is typically used to store documents, articles, or other text-based content that exceeds the maximum length allowed by other data types such as VARCHAR or NVARCHAR.

In SQL Server, the TEXT data type is considered a Large Object (LOB) data type, along with the NTEXT and IMAGE data types. The maximum storage capacity of a TEXT column is 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) bytes, which is equivalent to approximately 2 GB of data.


The syntax for creating a column with the TEXT data type in SQL Server is as follows:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_name TEXT


To insert data into a TEXT column, you can use the INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO table_name (column_name)
VALUES ('large amount of text data');

You can also update existing data in a TEXT column using the UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = 'updated text data'
WHERE condition;

When retrieving data from a TEXT column, you can use the SELECT statement:

SELECT column_name
FROM table_name;

However, it's important to note that querying a TEXT column can be slower than querying a column with a smaller data type, as it requires more processing power to handle large amounts of data. Additionally, TEXT columns cannot be used in indexes or as a part of a primary or foreign key constraint.

In conclusion, the TEXT data type in SQL Server is a useful tool for storing large amounts of text data, but it should be used with caution due to its potential performance implications.